Sponge cake - baked

Мени: Десерти

Алергени: Јајца, Глутен
За почетници



6 парчиња
200 гр
бело пченично брашно
120 гр
прашок за печиво
2 лажица
пченкарно брашно
100 гр
какао во прав
2 лажица


  1. Prepare the dough. Separate the egg yolks from the egg whites.
  2. Whisk together the egg yolks and sugar.
  3. Beat the egg whites with some warm water until stiff peaks form.
  4. Add the stiff beaten egg whites to the egg yolk and sugar mixture and whisk together gently.
  5. Add flour combined with baking powder, cocoa powder and cornstarch to the ingredients.
  6. Pour the mixture into a cake mould, lined with parchment paper.

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